Although I could not be with my mother this Mother's day since she was across the Atlantic Ocean, I made the meal that I would have cooked her had I paid my parents a visit. It was truly a mom-inspired meal; after all, my love for cooking comes from her. Here is what I made:
Salmon Fillets Braised in Pinot Noir with Bacon & Mushrooms: My mom will always choose a salmon dish when dining out, so this one was a no-brainer. The recipe came from Molly Stevens' All About Braising, a terrific cookbook my mom gave me last Christmas. I served the dish with mashed potatoes, a dish that my significant eater claims I have perfected, no doubt to the many times I helped my mom make it. My mom did teach me to always have a vegetable with dinner, but I rebelled, choosing not to make any veggies for the sake of not having to wash dishes all night.
Rhubarb Crisp: One of the favorite desserts my mother makes is a blackberry and nectarine crisp. Since blackberries and nectarines are not in season, I chose rhubarb for tonight, and used this recipe from Epicurious. The dessert was good, but it sure doesn't beat my mom's original.
The meal was terrific, as is anything inspired by moms. The only thing missing was that she could not enjoy it with me. When I see her, I will definitely make a mom-inspired meal for my mom. Happy Mother's Day!
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