Day 3
Breakfast: Whole wheat toast with Tonjes Farm Dairy ricotta, Cherry Lane Farm strawberries, and local honey
Lunch: Pasta salad with Eckerton Farm sugar snap peas and spring garlic pesto
Dinner: Roasted Grazin' Angus Acres chicken with Cherry Lane asparagus and leftover Rancho Gordo baked beans

The $21 chicken was by far the biggest splurge on my Greenmarket Challenge, but I could not resist purchasing it since all of my other purchases from Grazin' Angus (eggs, flap steak, ground beef) have been superb. How was the chicken? Well, it didn't taste like foie gras, which one might expect from a $21 chicken, but it was pretty darn good. I roasted it using the minimalistic (and Greenmarket Challenge rule-abiding) Thomas Keller method. It turned out perfectly, with succulent meat and a crispy skin. Not to say the chicken was worth $21 dollars (no chicken is worth $21), but I did feel great for supporting a great local farm in Grazin' Angus Acres.

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